Cyclist buy lots of stuff. We can't help it, we neeeeed it!
Sometimes we are just rationalizing an indulgence.
Sometimes it's a spur of the moment purchase.
Sometimes it's just routine maintenance.
A lot of times we are disappointed.
But sometimes we are surprised by just how great "it" is.
My Santini Windstopper jacket is like that.
I bought it about a decade ago. It was a second choice. It might have even been a third choice.
The first time I and wore it was a revelation. You put if on and if weighs nothing, but it's warmth defy logic. I wear it on the coldest days around here (single digits *F plus windchill) with just a polypro undershirt and long sleeve jersey. The only thing I'd change is it only has one large rear zip pocket; I'd rather side pockets for easier access. But with the weather forecast for the near future, I'll gladly give up side pockets for the advantages this jacket affords.
I'm really glad my first choice was out of stock.

I'm hoping I feel the same way about my Assos Fugujack in 7 years. I'm thinking I will.
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