Tuesday, June 5, 2012

This might be the problem

I went out for a quickie before picking up the kids from school.  After flatting out of Domnarski Farm, I felt it would be prudent to add a little extra air to my tires.

I could barely ride.  I was bouncing all over the place, slip sliding on all the damp rocks and roots.
I lowered my pressure to what I felt was a lower, yet safe amount of air.

This is what I thought felt "safe"

After playing with pumps and gauges, squeezing tires in new and exciting ways, I caressed it up to compromise between  wickid hawd (in my perception) and what my Winter tires had spoiled me with.

We'll see how that works out...

Another issue I've been having is there has been a terrible "click" in my drivetrain of late.  I thought it was my rear hub as the freehub bearings needed to be replaced and there was quite a lot of play there.

The non-drive hub bearing in a DT Swiss hub is pretty conventional in it's removal and replacement.  The drive side is held in by the "ring gear" which needs to be removed with a proprietary tool.  The DT Swiss pdf doesn't address the removal of the freehub bearings, and the only information I found on the interwebs was people ruining their freehubs by hamfisting the bearings out.
So by my logic I see a "ring gear" on the freehub, maybe it holds the bearings in like on the drive side of the hub?

ah no

DT Swiss freehub and tool are strong than my vice (thankfully)

David at DT Swiss was quick  responding to my inquiry on just what the fücke I was doing before I employed a method that would overcome the now well proven strength of the hub and let me know they just push out from the center.

Hub is good as new, but the damn click is still there (I rode with a different wheel & cog today).
Hopefully it's a bad link on my chain, cause the only other part left is the Pretty Things...


Jez Andrews said...

Thanks for leaving the comment on my blog about a wider based cog. Is there anything you could recommend for me?

CB2 said...

I always use Surly cogs. They are tough, affordable and available. The stamped steel cogs are fine to figure out your gearing or in a pinch, but over time they can gouge aluminum freehubs.

Jez Andrews said...

Ok thanks!