I really wanted to come down and support you guys racing in Hartford. I really, really did.
It was the plan.
Go to Church, watch bike racing, get pumpkins, go to soccer.
Except I woke up really early and watch a violent, sexually explicit Danish film.
So when it was time to get the ball rolling with our daily game plan, I dropped the ball. Kim didn't pick it up either. When she touched based with our recently displaced friends Jacky & Miss Thea in N. Granby about maybe getting together the gears began turning.
"What if I rode out there and met you guys for pumpkin picking" I pondered. "What if Tommy and Mark are riding this morning, and if so which way are they headed"?
Hmm. Things are beginning to click together.
A quick shout to Tommy confirmed he and Mark were in fact just about to leave on a mtb ride, and they were heading my way. Perfect. I'd meet them on the trail and ride with them on the return trip of their out and back to Pennwood as I headed along the ridge to North Granby.
What a perfect day to be riding. Comfortably cool and clear.
Should I watch other people ride or ride myself?
That's like asking if should I watch porn or make sweet... well, you get the idea.
I was amazed at how much of a difference there was in the leaves in the 30 miles I travel along the ridge. In WH the leaves were at their peak, Pennwood, just past prime, Tariffville, a little long in the tooth, and from Roncari North, that's all she wrote.
Had to ride maybe 10 miles on the road total, but that still gave me 18 of trails.
So, sorry I didn't come down to watch, but what would you do?

Don't worry, I bailed and did a 25 miler Gravel Grinder. Needed to do stuff at home afterwards anyway.
No worries mate!
It looks like you were doing some way more important things with your time.
And you were able to get in some time on the bike.
Way more important then watching some explicit scantily clad guys trying to kill each other.
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