What I wanted to do was hook my regular loop with the loop behind the trout hatchery, and the stuff on the other side of E. Chippenhill Rd in as seamless a manor as possible. Other than riding about 1/4 mile on Punch Brook Rd, and following the tracks of a logging truck, I'd say it was a success. I know there is away to cut out the tarmac entirely, and I'll keep working on that, but yesterday was quite satisfying.
The first mile of Nassahegan has got to be one of the most fun sections of singletrack know to man. It is so tight and twisty, in some places I have to lean right than left to get my 24" handlebars through the trees.
When I got behind the hatchery, I thought I had made a happy accident with a wrong turn and was going to avoid the sick, ass behind the seat, please don't endo descents, but all my wrong turn netted me was a little extra climbing. All the techy stuff was waiting for me when I got back on track.
Having the luxury of a 34fx32r gear was nice there too. I could climb all but the steepest hills, getting at least 50% further than on the singlespeed, and that was with the extra challenge of downed leaves and pine needles. The technical rock hill/piles were just pedaled up.
Still slower than the last time I rode there on the singlespeed, but I didn't have Brian to chase either.
The logging between Scoville Rd, and E. Chippenhill has progressed to wher they are pulling the logs out. Beautiful, twisty singletrack still has been decimated, but at least you can get through to the good stuff on the other side without hiking.
Feel like going back Thursday afternoon, say around 4:00? Let me know.
I hear you on the chasing Brian thing.
I was actually thinking it would be nice to go back Thursday.
Quick blaster at the Res. tonight (I have to be home by 6:00 PM).
Yeah, give me a ring and let me know either way.
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