While everyone else was racing around Northhampton, I made the best of my time in CT. Tried to minimize my time on paved roads as much as possible.
Headed thru the res., and out the powerlines to Simsbury
Revisited the trails of the Stratton Brook CX course
Enjoyed the hospitality of Ethel Walker's
I'm finding in my old age, I don't mind bike paths quite so much anymore.
antNice photos.
Looks like you had a great ride.
What is the break down of Roads, Railtrail, dirt roads, dual track, and single track?
Also, I assume you did this on your Cross bike?
Oh, and how many miles?
Nice. Your ride is very similar to the 56 mile ride DaveP and I did this weekend in the Whites on CX bikes. Our climbs might have been a little bigger but I bet you hit less pavement.
Yes, all alone:-(
@ Mark:
About 52 miles. Not much singletrack, maybe a mile or two. 5 or so on rail trail. Probably 25-30 on paved roads, and the rest on doubletrack dirt roads, and the powerlines. Would have been a great ride for a mostercross bike because I cut through Nepaug, and could have cut through Pennwood to East Weatogue.
@Hill Junkie:
Kowing you, I bet you had more climbing! My uncorrected Garmin elevation gain was 3600'(3000'Garmin corrected)
Oh and to be clear singletrack is 24" wide or less in my book.
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