Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Commute #2

Wouldn't it be bloggerific if I posted a report from every single commute this year...and wouldn't it be smurfy if I kept using terms like "bloggerific"?
The weatherman spoke of the much feared "black ice" this morning. It may have been black from the seat of an SUV, but on a bike it was a white frosty velvet. My rear tire would break loose every time I'd accelerate from a stop light. Yes, I stop at lights, even when it's light out. Something about not getting dead. Can't say I've never sprinted for a yellow though.
Other than that pretty uneventful. My lights work fairly well when there is no other light source. I still need to get used to on coming traffic's lights. The ride home was quite pleasant with a mild cross breeze, and temps in the upper 30F's. Took 3 minutes off round trip too, making it the second slowest commute of all time!
If the weather stays so mild I hope to have a decent base built by March.


Mookie said...

January= Slow is good. I don't think I've broken 17mph in '10.

Rigidnsingle said...

I ride at no less than 30mph all the time and only in the 53x11, even on recovery days. I find this kind of "training' allows me to get used to the demoralization I will face when a northern new englander (who has been snowboarding all winter) lays the smack down at Hop Brook...