Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Business Meeting

Last Friday I was doing a little after-work ride at the Res. I like to try and get out a little early on Fridays, and with Kim taking a class, if I want to get a ride in I need to get out a little extra early.
So I'm just riding along and I pass a guy. I say hello and go on my merry way (it's Friday and I'm riding my bike so yes, I'm merry).
I stop for some reason, and he passes me, I catch back up to him and we split off at a fork. The trail I take loops back to the trail he's on. We meet again like a couple of Zax.
We get to talking, first about bikes, and getting rides in when you can, and then he tells me he flips houses (he was going to paint, but it was raining in the morning, so he was free to ride).
Houses have bathrooms, and bathrooms have vanities, and vanities have vanity tops. Hey that's what I make for a living!
I extol the virtues of my product to him and he seems quite interested.
He takes my number and we discuss riding together sometime.
Well, he actually called and we set up a ride.
Brought him some information on my stuff, went for a ride, and talked a little more about it.
I can save him money, while making money, and his product will be that much nicer for prospective buyers.
Win Win Win.
My kind of business meeting. You hear about guy meeting on the golf course for business, but I don't golf, and whenever I see a golf course, all I can think is I bet you could make some great mountain bike trails on that land.
So if your a builder, remodeler, or cabinet maker and like riding bikes, this might be the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

1 comment:

Hill Junkie said...

I've read that cycling is the "new golf." More and more, deals are being cut on two wheels.