Without a rear brake and a racer-boy light rear tire Mary Jane was a svelte 21.2 lbs; lighter than I'd ever seen her.
Out on the trail there was an awkwardness that was expected. Getting back up to speed riding fixed offroad has a bit of a learning curve. It's easier than people think, but does take a little getting used to. The biggest thing is when you get to a log, or ledge or some obstacle you have to follow through. You can't try to set up for it like you would on a freewheeling bike. Once you're up on the log you'll likely just be able to pedal through it, you might hit a pedal and fall on your ass, but more than likely you'll just pedal through it. Once you get your fixed legs, you'll be able to hoist your rear wheel and adjust your pedals when your wheels in the air.
Anyways, just riding along, lalala, fixed is fun, riding along the ridge, cliff drop to swanky homes to the left, trees to the right and SHAMWOW! I crash on an outcropping of rocks. As I being riding again, I here a tink tink tink.
Rock x (spokes+high tension)=Broken spokes.
Stopping to inspect my wheel, not only were two spokes broken, but a crank ring bolt had abandoned ship, it's 4 friends wanted to follow suit, my crank spider had come loose, and my Surly Fixxer was loose.
Fucked up like a soup sandwich!
Now this was going to take time to fix. Fixed is about not having to repair your bike. Simple easy. In out done.
Good thing I had an extra hour Sunday.
Riding fixed downhill offroad feels like when a cheesy action film (think Road Warrior) speeds up the film to make things seem like they are moving faster. I don't know if this actually has any value as far as training or performance. It's like being able to rub your belly and patting your head at the same time. Actually it's a lot easier, because I can do it.
Crazy stupid fun.
And Facebook said you were normal?
"I don't know if this actually has any value as far as training or performance."
well, if you read the full post that you linked to my blog, non other than Paul Curley, owner of no less than 22 national championship jerseys has used fixed gear mtn biking as a training tool. As much of a dick as many of us consider him to be, when he suggests some sort of training regimen, you can rest assured it has some merit.
That isn't to say that riding a fixed gear mtn bike will make you a national champion, nay, like anything else, it isn't what you have, but how you use it.
(fwiw - Curley is actually a relatively social human being these days, what with getting married, a child, and old. I haven't seen him intentionally hook someone in over ten years now)
I did read your whole post.
I rode last Winter fixed, first to see if I could do it, and found it just really worked well in the typical slick Winter conditions. I would say the main benefit is that you can keep on riding in all but the worst conditions.
Blogger CB2 said...
"the main benefit is that you can keep on riding in all but the worst conditions."
I hear ya....'Anonymous' left a comment about setting up an off-road fixed just for snow, and I actually think that sounds like fun. I'm going to try it.
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