Last night I tried something different; I rode with my computer in my jersey pocket.
I loved the freedom it provided while riding on a well known loop. I knew approximately how long my ride would be, so I knew I'd be done before complete darkness, but I didn't obsess about how fast or slow I was going.
I just rode.
I pushed as hard as I felt like and enjoyed the ride.
But being the slave to numbers I am there is a fly in the ointment; my computer is less accurate in my pocket then on my stem.
Maybe I can construct some sort of computer burka?

Just do what I used to do about the blinking "hey you, set the time already!" light on that ancient device we called a "VCR." Duct tape right over that bastard.
I took the computers off all my bikes years ago(even my road bike)..Life is so much better without the clutter..
Mount it to the top of your helmet.
I agree with single. Computers kinda suck.
I also agree with Single and my name is James too! Computers came off years ago and miles were replaced with smiles! Now I do use a HR monitor from time to time, but even that is only once in a while and it is more just to see what my HR is, as I am not adjusting my workout to see a certain number nor do I even know what the idea number is for me.
I don't use a HRM anymore, haven't in a couple of years, but I do like to keep track of hours, and miles (more so hours).
I don't know if I could go metrics cold turkey.
Plus my computer is my clock.
(do I sound like a smoker or drinker rationalizing just one more)
Mount the computer on your seatpoast if its wired and long enough. You can't see it so it's all good
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