Then I was all like, "Dude, chill out, it's just snow it'll thaw and everything will be good as new".
Then I came to a bare spot.

Must have been pretty soft when Mr. New Year's Resolution decided he was going to drag his fat hungover ass out on the trails no matter what.

Should be fun when those frozen ruts are covered with a few inches of powder.
If he waited until things were below freezing his tracks would have looked like this:

The way I look at it there is a reason for road bikes (see above).
Don't have a road bike, ride your mtb on the road.
Think that is too boring? Maybe some indoor sports with your special friend.
Don't have a special friend? There's always Rosie Palm and her sisters.
Great simile. What a douche.
Maybe the same hero who created similar tracks I saw in Wilcox today. Go ride the road if its soft in the woods.
I really appreciate your post and you explain each and every point very well.Thanks for sharing this information.And I’ll love to read your next post too.
Nice photography
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