Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Even though the kids didn't have school I was running late.  By the time I pushed down on the pedals I had exactly the amount of time it usually takes to get to work to get to work.
Exactly on time is late the way I was brought up.
A flat tire or some other calamity and I'm screwed.

But as I pedaled along there was a strange phenomenon.  I felt no wind pushing me back.  I think I encountered one of those mythical things called a "tailwind".
Got to work 5 minutes early (my equivelant to "on time").

But since the shop isn't actually open on Mondays for the off season I was actually 20 minutes early.

 As it has been getting darker my ride home in the evening has been getting spookier. Avon Old Farms road in the dark can be a tad sketch. last night I tried coming home the way in (better condition, lighting, wider, etc). Lack of climbing makes for a pretty quick ride.


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